The Queen Team

Money Talk - with Shun Strickland

Episode Summary

“If you stopped working today, how many days would you last before your money runs out?” -Shun Strickland. If you don’t like the answer to that question then you need to tune into this episode. The truth is, black women face a number of disparities that prevent us from attaining wealth such as the wage gap, lack of resources and support, and no life insurance. But the disparity that affects us the most is our mindset. The way you think about money is what keeping you from having it. So, it’s time to change your mind about money! And today, Coach and Author Shun Strickland is going to share her secrets to a Wealthy Mindset.

Episode Notes

Episode Trailer:
“If you stopped working today, how many days would you last before your money runs out?” -Shun Strickland. If you don’t like the answer to that question then you need to tune into this episode. The truth is, black women face a number of disparities that prevent us from attaining wealth such as the wage gap, lack of resources and support, and no life insurance. But the disparity that affects us the most is our mindset. The way you think about money is what keeping you from having it. So, it’s time to change your mind about money! And today, Coach and Author Shun Strickland is going to share her secrets to a Wealthy Mindset.

Two QT”s have a chance to win Shun Strickland’s Wealthy Mindset book called Arise and Shine: The Black Women’s Guide to a Wealth Mindset!

Contest Rules have been modified:

Connect with Shun Strickland:
Here's her website, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter If you are interested in life coaching email her here:

Queen Scene:
Deidre's mom is pretty awesome but has no social media presence.

J. Nicole's pick: Jessie Lynn Montgomery
You can find her on her website:
And Instagram

Jessie is amazing businesswoman who has spent over 15 years in the corporate world, and now she had transformed her knowledge and passion into a business called Career Discovery.
Career Discovery guides you through three modules:

Mental/Emotional Detox: Unblock what is clogging you from walking in your purpose.

Passion & Purpose Alignment: Tap into your passions and align what you love to do with a career.

Business Guidance: Mindshare session designed to create revenue streams supporting your purpose.

Jessie is accepting in person clients in the greater Los Angeles area and she also provides virtual meetings for those living outside of the Los Angeles area.